Dynavyte Pets Admin

Are we feeding our cats the wrong foods ...
A cat’s sharp feline teeth and short digestive tract are made to eat and get their nutrients from their prey. They are not adapted to digest grains or other plant material and their system cannot utilise these foods effectively. Care must be taken feeding digestible carbohydrates and roughage as their system is not designed to cope with these human food elements.The digestive tract of cats is very short when compared with dogs and people. It only takes 10 to 24 hours for food to pass through a cat. Therefore, cats must process their food quickly within a shorter small intestine....
Dynavyte Pets Admin

Why do domestic dogs need Dynavyte Pets MBS?
As human’s best friend, dogs have accompanied us on our journey through civilisation. But along the way they have suffered as we have, from the over-processing and over-simplifying of food and diet, all in the name of opportunity, progress and convenience. Dogs were hunters Before dogs were domesticated and took their place by our side, they led another very different life. In the wild, dogs were hunters, mainly of herbivores or grass eating animals, and the leader of the pack, or “top dog,” would take its pick from the kill. And what was that? The animal’s offal which contained semi-digested...
Dynavyte Pets Admin

Probiotics versus prebiotics ... confused?
With this terminology more readily used, we thought it time to revisit the definitions. In Part 2 we cover probiotics and prebiotics. Conversation and terminology among the world experts regarding gastrointestinal or gut microorganisms is quite precise. However, there are still misconceptions with their meanings and with their usage. Presented below is further current thinking: Probiotics: “a microorganism introduced into the body for its beneficial qualities”; Dynavyte Pets MBS contains the probiotic Bacillus subtilis ‘natto’ with all of its beneficial qualities. One of these beneficial qualities being promotion of Lactobacilli (beneficial microbes present in the gut). Another significant property of...

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